Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stick A Fork In It, I Am Done Series: “Over Cooked, Over Done"

[The topic of this article was initiated by the Youngest in order to instigate the Eldest to finish it off. And that, she did. Thanks, Yo.]

In life, some relationships come to an end. People part for lots of reasons. For some, the parting is mutual and a good thing; for others, it sucks but you move on.

And then, there are the “over’s”.

These are the over-stayers, the over-diners, the over-whiners.

They just don’t take “no” for an answer. They keep holding on for dear life for whatever is left – just a morsel of anything. A call here, an email there- anything to keep the casual whining and dining going. Meanwhile, they are completely oblivious to the fact the other half of the party has finished the main course, stashed the goodie bag, cashed out and sped off after hitting the valet.

An “over” wants to order the same damn menu each and every time- the same old conversations, the same gripes, same jokes, the same BS. And they expect what they ordered will be served… which is strange because the kitchen has been closed for quite some time.

It’s tough when you deal with an “over” because you find yourself singing for your supper anyway, with niceties and random social banter. You do it all so you don’t hurt that person’s feelings. But that is a cardinal mistake, like grabbing a bite to eat at The Outback Steak House. You always feel worse after than you did before.

The situation is overdone; so don’t let the “over” sucker you in for another course. You had your fill, so be done with it.

And if the “over” is still hungry, tell him to ask his wife to make him a sandwich.

- The Eldest

